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Querium’s key technology, StepWise Virtual Tutor, employs AI technology to mimic the skills of great teachers and tutors, so that learners can have low-cost, 24x7 access to the critical mathematics training needed to succeed in their courses and beyond. Within StepWise, students solve problems by submitting each step for evaluation; the AI engine immediately tells students if their step is correct or incorrect.


A key differentiator for StepWise is that students are not required to follow a prescribed path in order for their steps to be understood. StepWise encodes multiple methods and associated rules for problem solving and error analysis, including techniques at different levels of expertise. When students make errors, regardless of whether the error comes from a new skill, a skill that should have been mastered previously, or a careless mistake, StepWise analyzes errors and coaches students back on the path to successfully complete the assignment.

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